Monday MADness- Royal Tenenbaums!
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the splash page for one of my earliest movie parodies, writer Arnie Kogen‘s send up of Wes Anderson‘s “The Royal Tenenbaums” which appeared in MAD #417, May 2002. It’s has a sentimental place for me because MAD doesn’t parody these kinds of films very often anymore. In fact, after this one the only films I’ve drawn the parody for that did not feature wizards, British spys, robots, tributes, or super-heroes, have been “School of Rock”, “Brokeback Mountain”, “American Sniper” and the recent “Sully”.
Sadly the original scans and color art, including the scans of the roughs, have been lost somewhere along the way. I had this one because MAD sent it to me ages ago to print out to accompany the original in a gallery show.
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