Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness- Slobbit 2 Sneak Peek
April 21st, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
As promised, here’s a look at some of the art from the Desmond Devlin scripted parody of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug”, now appearing in MAD #527 on news stands everywhere!
Want to know what all the jokes that go into those empty boxes are? Then go buy a copy of the fershlugginer magazine, clod!
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Was the manbearpig gag your idea or Desmond’s? I fell on the floor laughing for at least 5 minutes on that gag and the arrow point to Stephen Colberts cameo.
Both of those were Desmond’s gags. I never watched Southpark so that one was lost on me
I love it!
beautifully done! My favorite gag is Scrooge McDuck.