Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday Madness: Terminator 3!
May 6th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Here’s one of my favorite panels from MAD’s parody of “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” entitled “Interminable 3: Rise of the Bad Scenes” written by Dick DeBartolo and printed in MAD #432, August 2003. I did a lot of sight gags in this parody making fun of Arnold Schwarzenegger being too old to play this character anymore. This was the scene in the film where Ahnuld’s terminator catches a bullet in his teeth and then spits it out. I drew his dentures coming out as wellin in addition to the AARP t-shirt. Those jokes seem quaint now that Ahnuld is about to film another Terminator movie, 16 plus years after this one. He was a relatively youthful 55 or so when he did this movie!
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