Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday Madness: The Hunger Pains!
February 15th, 2016 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Next week the latest issue of MAD hits the stands, and I did the artwork for the Desmond Devlin penned parody of both “The Hunger Games: The Mockingjay” Parts I and II, combined in one eight page extravaganza.
I’ll post some sneak peeks of that once the issue is out. This week’s Monday MADness is a look at my and Des’s take on “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: from MAD #526 April 2014, pencil comps and final art:
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Always interesting to see the process, with the rough’s followed by the fine tuning of the final’s. A lot of your fun sight gag’s, particularly in the final splash with the cameo crowd “hands” etc.