Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness!- The Matrix!
June 10th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness features the pencil roughs and a couple of the final panels from an article called “Is Our World Really All That Different From The Matrix?” written by Greg Leitman from MAD #436, Dec. 2003 (clicky any to embiggen):
The gag got changed a bit from the original pencil rough on the Britney/Madonna panel . . . ewww.
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Hey, I still have a copy of this issue n among all the pages in the issue these illustrations are the one which are most etched in my mind. At that time you probably hadn’t started this blog n i never thought one day i’d be able to interact with the brilliant artist who did all amazing art. Thanks for being so active with this blog! Great to see the rough sketches leading to the final thing which use to hold my attention in the mad magazine.
You are welcome, and thanks for the tremendous compliments