Monday MADness- The Obama Inauguration!
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at one of the craziest crowd scenes I’ve ever done for MAD– “MAD Exposes Who’s Thinking What at the Obama Inauguration” from issue #498, February 2009. This is the pencil rough I did to send to the MAD editors for review before I redrew the whole thing much larger, inked and colored it for the final. You’ll probably recognize a number of politicians, pundits, talking heads and other celebrities even in the rough, as I did take a stab at most of their caricatures even at this initial stage.
The original final art for this splash is a permanent piece in the collection of the Toonseum in Pittsburgh.
Oddly enough, this original pencil rough just went up for sale in the Studio Store just sold in the Studio Store for a measly $60 (cheap).
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um….HOW do we purchase an original piece of art
Well, this one is already sold but if you click on the cash register icon across top of this page you’ll find more.