Monday MADness: The OD!
Anyone remember the mid 2000’s FOX prime time soap opera about privileged and whiny teenagers from southern California called “The O.C.”? Me neither. But MAD did a parody of it in #442, June 2004. It was written by Dennis Snee with art by me. The pencil roughs from the splash are lost to posterity, but here’s look at the finished art and the inks from the splash page and the pencil roughs and finshes of the rest of the parody. Just for fun I drew two (at the time) teenagers I knew who were actually FROM Orange County, Joe and Luke McGarry. They are the two shaggy haired guys on the far left oogling Mischa Barton. They were the sons of then president of the National Cartoonists Society Steve McGarry, and both Joe and Luke are now accomplished illustrators, cartoonists, animators and musicians (and as of this writing still admit to being sons of Steve)… and they got haircuts. Clicky the two page spreads to embiggen.
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