Monday MADness- The Wizard of O!
I just got back from the Ohio State Festival of Cartooning, where they officially opened the fantastic new Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum… I’ll write a little synopsis of this tomorrow. I was very flattered and privileged to have a couple of pieces in the opening exhibit, as part of a smaller area dedicated to caricature. The two originals were part of a full parody (including pencil roughs) I donated to the library entitled “The Wizard of O”, written by Desmond Devlin and appearing in MAD #505, Oct 2010. Here are the never-before-seen inks and pencil roughs from that job, plus the finals of the first two pages and a couple of panels, the originals of which are hanging in the show (Clicky any to embiggen):
Now go out and buy a copy, you clod!
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Love your B&W work Tom! Any chance of the final inks being for sale in the future or they are the property of MAD?
Not these. I donated them to the Billy Ireland Library, so they now own the originals.
Let the bidding wars begin….I’d like page 5 (I think) with Glenn Beck crying in the second panel and Sarah Palin melting…oh Please!
Robert Reich would be grateful you didn’t make him smaller than his fellow “little pundit people”. In real life, he is only 4’11” tall.