Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness- Without Sports…!
February 17th, 2014 | Posted in Monday MADness
In honor of spring training opening this week, today’s Monday MADness comes from MAD #434, October 2003…a feature written by Barry Liebmann that asks the question: what would the world be like “Without Sports…”. Click the image below for an embiggened look at my art and follow along with the key for a sampling of Barry’s many gags from the original article:
Without Sports…
- … many of the athletes who receive millions to endorse sneakers would only be qualified to work in the same 3-cent-an-hour sweatshops that manufacture them.
- … the only people left to grab their own crotch in public would be three-year-olds, incontinent seniors, and Eminem.
- … God would be able to concentrate on world hunger and curing illnesses once he’s no longer besieged by Cubs and Red Sox fans praying for a World Series win (and yes, that “God” is Bill Gaines).
- … Bobby Knight would be tranquilized, Mike Tyson would be lobotomized, and O.J. would be on Death Row.
- … Pro Wrestling would be totally unchanged.
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20013? You somehow time traveled and got an issue from the future? I’ve got to say, I’m quite impressed that MAD will still be around 10000 years from now and, even more so, that you’ll still be working there! Bravo, good sir.
I’ve got skilz