Monday MADness- Yell’s Kitchen!
This week’s Monday MADness features my artwork from Dick DeBarolo‘s parody of “Hell’s Kitchen” in MAD #470, October 2006. Below are the pencil roughs, final colored art and (bizarrely) the third and forth pages inked and set up in the layout with text in place. I cannot remember why I did that with pages three and four… must have been for a presentation or something demonstrating the pre-color artwork in place. Anyway, clicky any to embiggen:
Final splash page art
The pencil roughs…
Inked with copy, page 3 and 4 spread
Page 4 final
Panel three features “Pearls Before Swine” cartoonist Stephan Pastis in a payback appearance for my cameo in his strip. I also completely forgot that I drew myself, The Lovely Anna, and our friends Barbie and Keelan Parham as the two couples eating pizza in panel one.
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Thanks for sharing some of those insidery peeks into your work. Stephen Pastis is going to show up in everyone’s work at some point, I think! What a terrible time for me to be on hiatus from MAD! I love Hell’s Kitchen, and I love looking at this, even without the dialogue! Maybe I can write my own!