Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday Night Football
October 5th, 2009 | Posted in General
Having grown up mostly on the east side of the Mississippi in Wisconsin, and having suffered through the 80’s as a Green Bay fan, here’s what I’m hoping to see when the Packers take on the Vikings tonight… but it’ll be a tough one.
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I am with you! God its gonna be tough game, i hope to see some frowns on the people in purple!!!
Nice illo, Tom! Looks like you used a brush to ink those muscles – I like the look! You should do more of that, mixing brush with pen work.
As far as tonight goes, being a Chicago-born Boy, I’ll be rooting for the Bears to beat both of these teams. Plus, I’m more into baseball anyway – distracted by the Twins game 163 Tuesday!
Hi Tom, as you know I’m from Milwaukee, WI, and living in Jacksonville, FL…but still Bleed Green and Gold. I would be honored if I could purchase this Illustration from you… will remind me forever of the beating the Viking receive tonight.
Thanks much,
P.S. and along with purchasing this, I will send you a colored print of one of the Caricature Portraits I did of Donald Driver, officially signed by Donald himself.
Who was that old guy flinging and slinging. Good game
Save the illustration for next time they meet
Wow! Brett Favre lit up the Packers last night! Amazing what an old man can do with great recievers , a guy named Adrian Peterson and Secret Service like offensive line protection .
I was one of those guys sick of him retiring and unretiring and retiring. But now I’m kind of enjoying his new found success in Minnesota. Hope he leads the Vikings to a Super Bowl trip. It’d be good for the city. I’ve got a sister who lives in Albert Lea,MN.
Be fun to have a New England Patriots VS Minnesota Vikings SB!
Tom rooting for your Twins tonight?