More Corona-Con Commissions…

I’ve been slowly but steadily working my way through the huge stack of commissions from my “Corona-Con Virtual Artists Alley Table” I did back in April and May. Little did I know when I did that promotion that I was about to get socked with multiple freelance jobs with tight deadlines. Some of these folks have been waiting TWO MONTHS for their art. Everyone has been very patient with me, and for that I am grateful.
Here are a few more. Some are straight “Alfred as…” drawings, some are caricatures of people with celebrities, some are just famous people.
All the ones you see here (except the color one) are “Live Caricature Style” drawings, meaning I do them the same way I do live caricature work, in soft graphite on 12 x 16 paper and use a blending stomp for some shading. Well, that’s not exactly true, because when I draw live I never do any pre-sketching but with these I am doing a some rough light sketching to get the composition down and to work out the basics of any caricatures needed, and I am spending a bit more time with the details than I would doing an actual live caricature at a theme park. I do that at comic-cons as well, since I work from pics I take and no one is sitting there waiting for me to finish so they can go eat a corn dog and then throw up on the Tilt-a-Whirl.
My online “Corona-Con” table is still closed up, as I still have a couple dozen commissions to catch up on. However I will be reopening it for the virtual San Diego Comic-Con event starting July 22nd, and will again accept comic-con style commissions at least trough the end of SDCC, which is July 26th. I’ll also have a few new prints I will be debuting. Hope to “see” you at my table!
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These are all so amazing! Thanks for sharing Tom!
Great work as usual. Just wondering why Spock E. Newman has an extra finger.
The six fingered hand is a MAD icon, like the MAD Zeppelin and Flip the Bird.