More iPhone App Caricatures
The brouhaha from Nov. 2008 concerning Apple’s rejection of the iPhone app “Bobble Rep” due to the heinous nature of my caricatures has long died down, but the app needed updating now that the 112th congress has convened. Thus, I had to do small disembodied caricatures of the new members of congress for the app’s bobblehead images… all 108 of them!
Here are a few of my favorites:
Steve Chabot- OH                              Daniel Coats- IN
Sean Duffy- WI                              Alan Nunnelee- MS
James Renacci- OH                              Frederica Wilson- FL
The new and improved Bobble Rep app will be available in the iTunes App Store soon… I’ll let you know when you can go there and spend $.99 of your hard earned dough on it.
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