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February 28th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This makes sense considering I was asked to do traditional comic book style word balloons and have a more “comic book” feel in my latest MAD parody work. It was also an early rumor they were going back to the original comic book format..
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Interesting. I have a subscription, but I’m always looking in the grocery stores and drug stores to see if MAD is on the magazine rack. They usually don’t carry it, but I would think that most casual readers would pick up a copy at those places rather than at the rare comic book stores around town. I guess those places could still carry it as a comic book, if they were to carry it at all.
Oh, boy. See, and I always see MAD at the supermarket and Barnes and Noble filed with the magazines.
I fear in the supermarket it will get filed with the kiddie comic books like Spongebob and not seen by the adults who might pick it up, and who knows where it will end up in B&N because they have almost totally stopped carrying comic books.
I dunno….my local comics shops always stocked MAD. I’m more nervous about this move then the move to CA and the new staff.
I’m not sure what to think anymore. Is this all really going to happen? A case could be made for how it originally started out as a comic book – but then it was one of many from the E.C. line of comics. When it went to the magazine format, E.C.’s line of comics were cancelled and the entire staff was then dedicated to putting out one magazine. It made sense. But, an entire staff putting out one comic book? Because, at that size, it IS a comic book. It ceases to be MAD Magazine and reverts to simply being MAD again.
I continue to want to remain positive. But, I very much like to see the artwork presented in the larger-format. One thing for sure is that I am curious as all get-out to see what shows up as the next issue in my mailbox.
Oh kids, they’re messing with you. Fake news! 🤣
This whole reverting back to a comic sounds fishy and a clever April Fool’s joke.
President Trump has avoided tweeting about MAD ever since they started satirizing (or maybe not) him on the covers and in the past year’s issues. Maybe NOW he’ll tweet up and say something!