Richmond Illustration Inc.
More Mock MAD Covers!
May 25th, 2021 | Posted in General

Here’s few more “mock” MAD cover commissions from my last “Virtual Artist’s Alley” event. Brush pens and Copic markers on bristol.

Note I now add a tagline to the top of the cover! I suddenly realized since I am doing these at home and not at a comic con at an actual Artist’s Alley table, I can add a custom tagline via my studio printer right on the professionally printed “MAD” bristol cover stock.

I sure am doing a lot of these fake MAD cover commissions. Wouldn’t it be nice to do another ACTUAL MAD cover? That would be really cool…
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Usually, when you say something in your comments that looks like a hint, you are actually dropping a hint, Tom. So, let’s hope I’m right and the “Wouldn’t it be nice to do another ACTUAL MAD cover? That would be really cool…” thingie means you are ACTUALLY doing another ACTUAL MAD cover soon!😊
Tommy your nuts ! Im LoL..
I’ve cancelled my mad subscription in protest