Mort’s JFK Coloring Book Back in Print!
Back in 1962, MAD‘s Mort Drucker illustrated a satirical coloring book about the Kennedy clan called the “JFK Coloring Book”. It was a brilliant piece of satire written by Paul Laikin and Jackie Kannon, making fun of a president who was wildly popular and bucking conventional wisdom. It spent 14 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller’s list. Then came the assassination, and the book was pulled from bookstores and never saw print again… until now.
Actually the reprint took place last September, but I just found out about it through a MAD fan group. I have a vintage copy I got from eBay years ago, but you can now get a pristine, brand-spanking new copy for only $7.99. This is genius and Mort’s artwork is incredible as always.
It’s very cool that this piece of history gets a new audience 52 years later.
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Might be a book to consider, both for Mort’s art, and as you suggest, a historical reference. Thanks for mentioning it. It would be great if Mad would publish a second volume of Mort’s parody art.