Mr. Sad Mac
I took my Mac into the Apple Store on Wednesday for it’s annual tune up… part of a service package you can get where they run tests, check software, clean it up and make sure it’s working in top shape. I wanted to get it done prior to upgrading to the new Mac OS 10.5 “Leopard” operating system, which I may or may not do depending on some hardware compatibility issues with my Microteck scanner.
Looks like I picked a bad time. The “World Premiere” of Leopard (are we really that far gone that a piece of software has a “World Premiere”??) was today, and that seems to have delayed my Mac tune up being finished. It was supposed to be done today, but no calls.
It’s funny how reliant one becomes on things like computers without even realizing it. I thought I’d have no problem getting by for a few days sans my main Mac. I have my laptop and my iPhone to keep up with e-mail, access to my contacts, surf the web and even to post on this blog. I planned ahead and had several days worth of drawing and inking to do so I wouldn’t need to use PhotoShop (although in a pinch I can use my laptop with either my Cintiq or my portable Wacom tablet). I thought I had the whole thing covered.
Then a client called needing me to resend an invoice… oops, that is only on my main computer on my accounting program. Another called to ask if he could fax me some info on a project… oops, my fax software is on my Mac. Then I wanted to post some artwork that I had done recently that was finally in print and I could share on the blog… oops, all that is on my main computer as well. Hmmm, it wasn’t as easy as I thought.
Hopefully I get it back tomorrow because I am to do some final color work on those two MAD jobs on the board. Then life will be back to normal… whatever that is.
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Ah, unfortunate.
You should give them a call?