My Book for Christmas?
Thinking about ordering a signed copy of The Mad Art of Caricature for Christmas? Better hurry, especially if you are ordering from overseas. We have had a number of horror stories about customs in the destination countries sitting on the package for several weeks before finally clearing it and allowing delivery. In some cases, it has taken as long as 5-6 weeks from shipment to delivery when going overseas… and even just to Canada. There seems to be no rhyme or reason with this… two shipments to same country can vary from delivery in 10 days or so to 5 weeks or longer. Luck of the draw with customs, I suppose. To make matters worse, the “tracking” involved with these USPS International Priority packages often stops with the initial scan here in St. Paul. The destination countries do not necessarily participate in the global tracking databases and the package can still be listed with tracking as being in St. Paul, MN when it is actually sitting in customs in the destination country, or even after it’s been delivered to the buyer! Long story short- order a copy right away if you intend to have it in time for a Christmas gift. The good news is that no book has ever been actually lost. Taking a long time, yes, but never not getting there.
For domestic delivery, the books are shipped USPS Media Mail, which takes between 2-9 days for delivery. Still plenty of time for that, but the sooner the safer.
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Tom, I live in Australia and I had no problems getting my copy. I didn’t experience any long delays. Great book by the way!
I really hope to be ordering one soon!
Finally ordered mine, can’t wait to get it. 🙂
Your book arrived safely in England in impressively quick time this week.
I can see it becoming an invaluable reference in the future as I have already learned a great deal from it in a short space of time.
A hugely interesting, detailed and informative book – of which you should be very proud.
Many thanks,
I’m in Australia as well. Hoping my copy arrives this week !
I got mine within a few days, even though you were away in GA when I ordered it. IT IS AWE INSPIRING! I could use it to actually learn straight (non caricature/cartoon drawing) from it. I like how you showed color and black n white together, to, as some of us aspiring ‘toonists still prefer B&W as a working scheme. I hope you sell out and make a butt-load of $$$. Is it advertised on The E-Bay or The Amazon?
Bueno, estoy en M?¬©xico y tengo 25 d??as esperando mi libro. Espero no tarde mucho mas, me tranquiliza el hecho de que llegue “tarde pero seguro”.
I ordered mine signed and with an Alfred drawing and it safely arrived at my door here in Australia only 10 days later! Thank you very much Tom. Your book is very impressive and inspirational. I’ve been reading/referencing it every day since it arrived.
A truly outstanding job. Well done. I highly recommend it.
Btw. I adore that caricature of Slash!
Glad to hear that, Chris! Not all the shipments get caught up in customs. Some clear quickly and get delivered right away. Luck of the draw.