My Favorite Panel from MAD #4
I’m going to start posting a look at my favorite panel from my most recent MAD job, just for fun… and to give me something to post.
In MAD #4 I did the art for a parody (kind of) of the “Svengoolie” TV show, a classic horror movie show where host Svengoolie plays a different old school horror flick and intersperses facts about the film and cast along with comedy bits throughout the movie. The show is on MeTV, which mainly shows reruns of old TV shows. The gag in the parody is that these reruns keep mashing up into the movie Svengoolie is showing, much to his increasing frustration. This is a panel where the gang from M*A*S*H* shows up in Dr. Frankenstein’s operating room. It was my favorite just because I got to draw the M*A*S*H* cast, and how often does THAT happen? Also I had a lot of fun with the Monster and Klinger’s expressions.
M*A*S*H* purists might notice I did not give Radar O’Reilly his malformed hand (actor Gary Burgoff has a deformed left hand), but I did that on purpose because they went to great lengths on the show not to show that… probably because it would have meant that Radar would have been 4-F and not allowed in the military. They didn’t NEVER show it, though. They just mostly hid it and if it did show up on camera it was just in passing and never addressed. Thus I felt it was not something needed to be pointed out.
This parody was written by Ian Boothby, and its damn funny. So go out and get a furshlugginer copy.
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