My Stan Lee Story
After his passing yesterday, it seems like everyone is posting their story of where/how they met the late Stan Lee, so I though I’d post my Stan Lee Story…
I don’t have one.
I never met or talked to the man, unless you count peeing next to him in adjacent urinals at a Minneapolis comic book show. Of course, you just stare straight ahead like the tiles in front of you are the most fascinating design you’ve ever seen when you are doing your business at a urinal. Conversation is not encouraged.
I have drawn Stan into MAD a lot, though. I gave him a cameo in most of the Marvel movie parodies I would do, since he was in pretty much all of them. Actually when you think about it, Stan’s cameos in all the Marvel films were like a running gag from MAD. Anyway here are all the Stan Lee appearances I could remember doing in MAD over the years:
“Spider- Sham” MAD #418, June 2002
“Spider-Sham Too” MAD #446, Oct 2004
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Age of Moron, HA!