A Virtual Wondercon in March

Yesterday my pal and writer extraordinaire Mark Evanier shared the not exactly unexpected news that the Wondercon 2021 comic convention will not take place as a live three day event in Anaheim CA as previously scheduled March 26-28th, but will be a two day virtual event instead on Friday and Saturday, March 26 and 27, 2021. Again, not exactly a shocker, but I believe this will be the first major comic book convention that has seen its in-person event cancelled TWICE since the pandemic began. I fear it won’t be the last.
I would have attended Wondercon as I usually do, so I am planning on doing another “Virtual Artist’s Alley” table during what would have been the full Wondercon 2021 weekend. I’ll open my virtual artist’s alley table at 10 AM central on March 26th, and pack it up at 5 pm on March 28th. During this time you can order all the stuff I usually sell at comic-cons for the prices I usually sell them at comic cons, with free domestic shipping (sorry international folks… but you don’t have to pay for an airline ticket or a badge to get in, so you are still coming out WAAAAAY ahead). This includes the personal commissions and live style caricatures I usually do at these events, which I never offer except at comic-cons (virtual or live). Don’t worry I’ll remind you as it gets closer.
So, mark your calendars! At least do that for the programming the Wondercon folks will be having on the 26-27th. Mark is doing at least two presentations/panels/etcs/ which will certainly be worth seeing.
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