National Doodle Day
I received a nice e-mail the other day from the administrator of Gillian Anderson‘s Official Web Site (Scully of The X-Files, Lady Dedlock in Bleak House) wanting to extend Gillian’s invitation for me to contribute a doodle/drawing for NF, Inc’s Third National Doodle Day Auction scheduled to start on May 7, 2009.
Gillian is the spokesperson for Neurofibromatosis, Inc., a non-profit charitable organization that helps families affected by NF – a genetic disorder of the nervous system which causes tumors to form on the nerves anywhere in the body at any time.¬¨‚Ć Gillian’s brother suffers from this disorder and their mother is the vice-president of the organization. You can visit the NF-Inc. website for more information.
The way this works is they send a blank 5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″ doodle card out to participants and you do a doodle on it, sign it and send it back. Then they have an auction on eBay to sell the doodles and raise money to provide support services for those individuals with NF, their families and caregivers.
Many of the doodlers are famous actors, musicians, politicians and such… with just¬¨‚Ć a few cartoonists and artists sprinkled in. You can take a look at the doodles that were donated in 2007 and 2008 at:
Past doodlers include Gillian Anderson, Sergio Aragon?©s, Mike Arnold, Patricia Arquette, Ed Asner, Catherine Bell, Candice Bergen, Jeff Bridges, Ellen Burstyn, David Cassidy, Ellen DeGeneres, Kim Delaney, Dom DeLuise, Micky Dolenz, Mike Farrell, Neil Gaiman, Seth Green, Kathy Griffin, Goldie Hawn, Fred Hembeck, Ji m Hunt, Scarlett Johansson, Carolita Johnson, Davy Jones, Jay Leno, Sugar Ray Leonard, Julia Louise-Dreyfus, David McCallum, President Barack Obama, Angus Oblong, Mike Peters, Jimmy Pickering, Wanda Sykes, Peter Tork, Donald Trump, Garry Trudeau, Robin Williams, Gahan Wilson, and Henry Winkler.
I couldn’t resist drawing Gillian herself on my doodle card, having been a big X-Files fan.
A worthy cause, and I will remind people about the auction as May 7th approaches, so you can bid on your favorite doodle!
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That’s an awesome Alfred alien!