NCS Reuben Report- Day Three
I had intended a nice, involved wrap up of the Reuben weekend today with lots of pictures both from the awards dinner Saturday and the various events on Sunday, but it wasn’t until this morning that I realized I did not bring the proper data cable along to transfer pictures from The Lovely Anna‘s camera to my laptop. Since I left my own camera at the room that makes me SOL until I get back home to the studio. Look for that post tomorrow.
Here’s one more pic from my camera from Saturday’s event. Suffice it to say the Reubens were again a great time and a greatly awaited opportunity to get together with the people you admire and respect in this crazy industry and for a weekend at least feel like you are a part of it all.
The great Al Jaffee and a humble fan
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Looking forward to seeing more pics Tom!
Mega Congrats on your division award, Tom! Another well-deserved win.
Also, thanks very much for the pics and updates. Looks like it was a lot of fun. Hope I can attend next year.