NCSFest Artist Alley Deadline Approaching!

I just got back from meetings down in Huntington Beach where plans for the NCSFest are really coming together. The speakers and presentations in the main tent right at the pier are going to be great, with lots of big names and international cartooning talent sharing work that is seldom seen or celebrated in this country. Four cartoon art exhibits will be showcases at the Art Center Gallery, kids programming and readings by some of the biggest names in children’s books will be going on all weekend at the main library, the “window walk contest” features over 30 participating storefront windows participating along Main and 5th streets with original designed cartoon-related visuals, a “comic jam ongoing comic strip story that will run along the pier with each panel done by a different artist, and lots other stuff! And, of course the, outdoors, along Main Street Artists Alley.
Speaking of Artists Alley, the deadline to apply for a space is January 31st. All the details are here. Jump on board for the inaugural NCSFest!
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