New 2019 Workshops: Switzerland X2!!
I will be returning to Seengen, Switzerland in 2019 to conduct not one but TWO workshops on back to back weekends, again all organized through the Cartoon-Schule, a Swiss cartooning art school. The workshops will be on June 28-30th and July 5-7th, held again at the scenic Eichberg Hotel in Seengen, about an hour outside of Zurich.
These workshops are organized by the Cartoon-Schule, and they do all the booking, registration, determine the costs and logistics, etc. I conduct them just like my other workshops, same basic itinerary and structure. They are done in English.
I am told they already have enough students to fill one workshop and are into filling the second, so if you are thinking about one of these I’d jump on it. Visit their website for all the details.
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