New Caricature/Tattoo Location
I actually live two lives (and NO, one does not involve my batsuit).
In one I am a mild mannered freelance illustrator and cartoonist, working out of a studio in my home. In the other I am an entrepreneur that owns and runs caricature, airbrush T-shirt and airbrush tattoos retail/theme park operations in 3 different states with over 60 people working for me at the height of the summer season… a season that is right around the corner from opening.
Most of last week and this weekend I spent opening my latest location, a combo caricature/airbrush tattoo cart inside the Mall of America’s “Nickelodeon Universe” theme park. I already have a caricature location there but opened this second spot to add tattoos and to take advantage of the spring break/summer crowds.
You want to talk about getting old? I was working at the first operation I ever opened at Underground Atlanta in 1989 waiting around for the phone to ring with a call from The Lovely Anna informing me she was in labor with our first child. Yesterday my youngest daughter Gabrielle, 15, started working as a tattoo artist for me at my newest location. The girl working in the picture is my niece, Brittanie.
Rotator cuff surgery? Bah… I’m looking at hip replacements in the near future at this rate.
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Good on you Tom.
Congratulations on the new location. Talking about visiting some friends up there this summer so I’ll have to check it out.
When the header said, “new tattoo location”, I thought you had come up with an innovative new place on the body to get inked.
Nevermind me, I just woke up. Congrats, though.
Dude- Awesome booth!