The gang at MAD just released a new book, INSANELY AWESOME MAD, that is geared toward the viewership of the animated MAD show on the Cartoon Network. There is an interesting selection of work inside, and it makes you get a better idea of what kind of viewers they are getting, or are aiming at appealing to, with the CN show. There are no movie or TV show parodies. You will find several examples of Sergio‘s “A MAD Look at…”, a bunch of Spy Vs. Spys (all classic Antonio Prohias ones, but nicely colored), several Don Martin classics (also colored) as well as many other assorted features from a variety of UGOI (that’s Usual Gang of Idiots for those of you who do not speak MAD). There is also a selection of work from “The Strip Club”, which here has been renamed the bit more kid-friendly “The Comic Club”. Definitely kid-safe, skewed very much in the same vein as MAD KIDS used to be.
Published by their own imprint, MAD Books, it’s 128 pages, in full color with a softcover. The paper stock used is a nice, glossy stock and the art and colors really pop on it. I hope MAD does more books in this format, as it really makes the artwork look great. It’s not any funnier, but it looks great. It’s only $12.99 (cheap), but you can get it at Amazon for only $9.77 (even cheaper).
I have one piece in this book” “MAD‘s Proposed Rule Changes for the Upcoming NASCAR Season”, originally published in MAD #427, Mar 2003, and written by Desmond Devlin. See sample of part of that piece below.
Looks like a good collection of MADness for the younger set.
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I pre-ordered this book at barns and noble! I am awaiting for the arrival!
Well, on some sections of the book, there can be some bad words.