New Minnesota Workshops Now Scheduled!
I have just confirmed two weekend workshop dates for here in Minnesota this coming spring:
- April 28th-30th
- May 5th-7th
Both will take place at the Quality Inn and Suites in Eagan, MN. Tuition is $500, with a refundable $100 deposit to reservce your space.
The Minnesota workshops are unique in several ways:
First, they only cost $500. My out-of-town workshops are going to be $600 from now on due to the time involved, travel costs, shipping costs, and the higher costs of the venues. Here in MN I can keep the costs lower and pass that along to the students. If you are local or within a driveable distance, this makes the workshop a little more affordable.
Second, the Friday activity happens here in my home and studio. We provide the refreshments, and you get a tour of my studio, get to look at a ton of original art, see me explain my illustration process and demonstrate my inking and coloring techniques right where I do my work. It’s a four hour Q&A… but with wine. It’s a peek behind the scenes of what I do and where I do it. I can’t do that on the traveling workshop sites.
I decided to go ahead and book two of these back to back, because as they are weekends it would give pro caricaturists a chance to pick which weekend they might not have gigs booked. Yes, I do take total amateurs as well… any skill level is welcome.
Visit my workshop page and reserve your space. Last September my two workshop weekends sold out within just a few days.
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