New Orlando Workshop Added, Jan 2019!
EDIT- Wow, that workshop sold out within hours. If you missed out send me a note to be added to the waitlist. Be sure and indicate it’s the Orlando workshop you are interested in. I can almost guarantee one or two people will decide not to follow through, and spots will open up.
I’m starting to look into locations for workshops in 2019, and my first stop will be Orlando, Fl on Jan 11-13th. It will have been two years since my last workshop in Orlando, so this one is bound to sell out quickly. If you don’t know what these workshops are all about, here’s the main info page, and here’s a note from a recent workshop artist:
This class is not just about caricatures its about becoming a better artist. I was astounded by how much I learned in three days and how much fun I had at the same time. Tom shares his techniques for caricatures, inking and digital colouring. Although the class is focused on drawing caricatures it is also excellent if you want to just improve you drawing and illustration skills (like myself). Additionally, it was an amazing opportunity to network with other great artists in your field as the class room setting is quite intimate and allows for free flowing conversation and interaction. Because of the small classes, Tom also has time to get to know your individual drawing strengths and weakness and can help you along your own personal journey (you will do a lot of drawing in this class and see yourself vastly improved by the third day). The group caricature illustration that he gifts is a lifetime treasure (so make sure you send your photo on time!). Before this class I admired Tom’s illustration work for Mad, now I admire him as a teacher and a person. Tom set me on the right path in my career as an illustrator and that’s beyond invaluable. It’s never too early or too late to take this course.
–Danesh Mohiuddin Toronto Workshop, June 2018
I will most certainly NOT be doing as many workshops in 2019 as I am doing this year, so the available number of spots are going to be much more limited. If you really want to attend one of my workshops and I book one within reasonable travel distance of you, don’t wait around for me to come to your backyard and do one. Grab a spot while they are available.
That said, if you DO want me to do a workshop in your area, you can help make that happen. If a local artist wants to host a workshop, they can do the legwork in finding a suitable hotel/venue for the class and recruit a minimum number of participants, and I’ll do a workshop there… and that local artist/host gets their workshop spot for free! Just drop me a line and I’ll tell you the specifics of what I need to make it happen.
2018 has been a crazy year with workshops, but it’s been a lot of fun meeting and working with so many artists. I have a “continuing education” project in the works that ONLY WORKSHOP ALUMNI will be eligible for, so all the more reason to take one of these unique three day classes.
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Looking forward to the alumni workshop!
I hope I qualify as alumni!