New Sourcebook Page
I once again took the plunge and advertised in Serbin Communication’s “Directory of Illustration“. Above is my page that will be in the book coming out in November.
Every year I say I am going to take my time and really design an eye-popping page, and very year I realize the night before the deadline that I need to throw something together. This year I staying with a heavy dose of the “colored line” technique I’ve been using lately. The background colors/dot pattern that mirror my site are terribly distracting and overpowering now that I look at it, but there it is.
I’ve written a few times about advertising in national sourcebooks, which is a mixed bag of pros and cons. The DOI is pushing for a web precence as well, and a page gets you space in their online directory… here’s my page. Their online portfolios are not very imaginative in design, but if they net a few new jobs they are worth it.
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It looks like an eye-grabbing ad to me, so I think you’ve got a good one here!
Hey Tom, I’m getting a page as well. This is the first time I’ve done it. Do you get much work as a result of the DoI? I’m just curious. It’s a pretty big investment.