NEW Workshop: Eagan, MN- May 3-5th, 2019!

I had an sudden opportunity to add a workshop for early May here in Minnesota, so this just announced: a workshop May 3rd-5th in nearby Eagan, MN! I usually like to give people 6 months notice before a workshop, but this weekend suddenly opened up for me and I won’t be able to plan a workshop here in Minnesota at any other time in 2019, so this was my chance… just a little over three months until this workshop!!
These Minnesota workshops are unique in that the Friday part of the class takes place here in my home and studio. We have a little welcome party complete with my wife The Lovely Anna‘s cooking and famous chocolate chip cookies, beverages, and snacks. I do a presentation on my work and MAD magazine process, complete with demos on how I ink and color my illustrations. These demos are done in my studio, right where I do all my work. Of course you also get to tour the studio, and see a ton or original art both mine and from others.
So, if you have been considering traveling to take one of my workshops, this is the best one to do that for. Flights are usually direct and pretty reasonably priced into Minneapolis, which is a major Delta hub. You get to see my studio and for me to show you how I do what I do right where is do it. The hotel we are in for Sat and Sun is new and much nicer than the previous one I had these at, but still very inexpensive. It’s also got free shuttle service to and from the airport (which is only 10 miles way), and tons of restaurants and shops withing easy walking distance so car rental is not necessary. Also: cookies!
This will be my only 2019 workshop in Minnesota, so don’t miss out!
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