Nick Meglin Obit in the NY Times
The Lovely Anna and Nick at the 2008 Reubens
The New York Times published a terrific obituary/article on the late Nick Meglin today. It’s a real tribute to Nick’s importance in the world to see this in the Times. It’s a great read and really gets across what a crucial role Nick played in making MAD the humor and cultural phenomenon it became. It’s also great to see that it mentions his books The Art of Humorous Illustration and Drawing From Within, as well as his illustrations for the Opera News and the two musicals he collaborated on: “Grumpy Old Men: The Musical” and “Tim and Scrooge”. He was a true Renaissance man.
I happen to know Nick’s longtime friend and the former editor of MAD‘s books now editor at Abrams Publishing Charlie Kochman worked with the Times on this article. Great job, Charlie.
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