NYCC 2015 Recap!
This is actually from Chicago back in August… forgot to take a pic of our table at NYCC!
I’m finally getting around to posting about our time at New York Comic Con, which took place Oct. 8-11th. It was a bit of a whirlwind week, as The Lovely Anna started it with a midnight emergency room visit on Sunday the 4th, and an unscheduled gall bladder removal surgery about 12 hours later. All went well and she refused to cancel our NYC trip, so we were off to the Big Apple on that Wednesday (her surgeon did clear her).
NYCC is fast becoming my favorite con to do. San Diego is a little more elaborate, but the way they have Artist’s Alley set up separately from the main exhibitor’s hall makes it really great for people to get around. You don’t have to push your way through the crazy main hall past the people painting fingernails or selling insurance to get to where all the creators are hanging out. My only complaint is you only get a 6 foot table…. 8 would be better.
The convention was super busy, and I didn’t get a chance to wander around and see much of anything. That’s the only bad part of being swamped. However I had many nice folks that came up to get a sketch, buy a book or print, or had some copies of MAD for me to sign. The people who attend NYCC are terrific, and it was great chatting with everyone to stopped by.
I was also part of the “Mad about MAD” panel on Sunday. Always a lot of fun…
The great Tom Bunk and me on the panel
The highlight of the weekend actually happened outside the convention, though. Last July at San Diego Comic Con I’m busy working on commissions when a couple comes up to see me, and I am blown away when I recognize comedian Bobby Moynihan of Saturday Night Live fame. Turns out Bobby is a big MAD fan, and wanted me to draw him as his character “Drunk Uncle” in a sketchbook he was collecting drawings in. I was honored to do that of course, and drew a commissioned caricature of he and his charming girlfriend Brynn for him. He told me “if you are ever in New York, let me know and I’ll get you tickets to the show”.
On Saturday the 11th, we found ourselves in the audience of Saturday Night Live. Bobby was kind enough to trade some future tickets of his to another cast member to get two tickets to our good friends Ed and Heather Steckley as well. The host was the hilarious Amy Schumer.
Schumer and crew clowning around after the show…
Bobby gave us a stage tour after the show, and we found he also had gotten tickets for a couple of other comic book creators he was a fan of, Todd Nauck and J. Scott Campbell, who were there with their wives. So it was a double treat for me… I got to see Saturday Night Live… uh… LIVE, plus meet a couple of seriously awesome and famous comic book artists. Plus that friday was Anna’s birthday, and we went to dinner with several good friends from NYC.
Chris Farley famously cracked his skull open on this low clearance bulkhead
The Lovely Anna, sans gall bladder, on the SNL stage…
Anyway, We had a great time at New York Comic Con, and thanks to all the people who stopped in. I hope to get a spot there next year again!
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