Richmond Illustration Inc.
NYCC Starts Thursday!
October 1st, 2019 | Posted in News

Deadlines conquered. Wrapping up a couple of odd jobs today and packing up for New York Comic Con. What’s new at NYCC at my booth this year? I’ll have my exclusive NYCC print, copies of “Don’t Let the Penguin Drive the Batmobile” , my “Tarantino Time Warp” MAD #9 cover print and this new ” “Tarantino TV Guide” mini print you see above. This is not the 11×14 full sized print I have here on the website, but a 6 x 8 inch “mini print”. The cool thing about this is that it’s about the same size as an actual old school TV Guide cover (just slightly larger) so it looks authentic.
I’ll also have the usual plethora of other crap, so come visit us in Artist’s Alley, booth A-16!!
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