NYCC Wrap Up
The Lovely Anna and I are back from New York Comic Con. It was a crazy, busy convention. I think it was actually more manic than San Diego… maybe that’s just because it’s approaching the same attendance levels but squeezed into a smaller area. Not having my own booth at SDCC I am not sure how I’d do under the same circumstances. All I know is I was swamped from open to close doing caricatures and commissions. Here’s some pictures from the show, including a couple of drawings I did:
Abrams Publishing editor Charlie Kochman, MAD art director
Ryan Flanders, me and MAD artist/illustrator Ray Alma.
Photo courtesy of Ray Alma.
Ryan, me and Random House senior designer John Sazaklis, also a former
MAD design intern. Photo by John Sazaklis.
A couple of commissions for a guy from MTV, Madonna and…
…Pink. I guess he likes female rockers with only one name.
I did this in someone’s sketchbook using Pitt pens. Had to channel my
inner Jack Davis to draw Uncle Creepy from Creepy Magazine
Another pen-drawn sketchbook commission- Alfred as
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds from “Firefly”
The Thursday MAD Panel. Left to right: Peter Kuper, Jonathan Bressman, me, Ryan Flander, Sam Viviano, John Ficarra. Photo by Ray Alma.
My caricature of fellow caricaturist Steve Nyman.
We had a great time. See you next year, NYCC!
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Great job with Pink… though I’m not very familiar with her work, I recognized her right away.
Great stuff!
Best of the batch…Uncle Creepy. Maybe, just my sentimental favorite.