Richmond Illustration Inc.
Off Again!
November 2nd, 2009 | Posted in General
I am still not over my jetlag from the USP trip and now I am off to Sandusky, Ohio for the ISCA convention where I am a guest speaker. The Lovely Anna is only tolerating this because she is going to go with me to Australia for the Stanleys next week. At some point I may need to do some work to pay for some of this stuff…
Who am I kidding? I got up at 4:00 am to finish a job this morning before flying out and have two more jobs to work on with me.
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Hello Mr. Tom Richmond.
First of all I want to tell you CONGRATULATIONS!
You´re a fantastic designer and your caricature´s traces are incredible.
My name¬¨¬•s Leandro and I am from Brazil and I¬¨¬•ve beeing searching for a long time for a website or blog like yours when I can really improve my traces and learn how to do some nice caricatures. I made a big research until I found the right “teacher” (if you permits me to call you like that) and I¬¨¬•ve beeing visiting your blog for a long time.
I´m not professional in this area, in fact I use to work with marketing activities but drawing is one my passions since I´m child. Now I´m 26 and I wish to get back and improve to be a good caricature designer one day.
My arts are improving but I want to ask you about more tutorials. As I can see your agenda in the blog I certainly know that you´re having busy days but I think you should share with us some tips about drawing mouths for an example.
Thanks for the opportunity to post here and I hope you can receive this message.
Please keep sharing with us your talent and if you someday, somehow or somewhere start giving classes, dont forget to tell us.
You have one of the perfect jobs in the world. =D
Cheers from Brazil,
Leandro Capanema
You’re unstoppable Tom! Sadly even though I’m in Detroit, I can’t make it down to Sandusky because of school. Have a great trip though and good luck with those 2 jobs!
Hi Tom its a little bit insane going from one trip to another,work, work, and more work do you ever feel like ITS ENOUGH FOR TODAY HIIUU!!!?. I really admire you for your persistance. Take care