Off on Vacation
Once a year The Lovely Anna and I take a vacation to Hawaii. We have a convenient timeshare on Maui that is like our home away from home. No kids… they stay home with a good friend of the family who moves in for a week. It’s our week away where we recharge our parental batteries and do some serious relaxing. As usual I had to pull some late nights to get all my jobs done before we leave. Mission accomplished. You’ll be able to read all about our gastronomic adventures on Maui on Anna’s blog: Anna’s Foodie Reviews.
Other than tomorrow’s mailbag I do not think I’ll be posting on the blog much while I am gone. Maybe I’ll get inspired and write something between Mai Tai’s, but it won’t be every day, that’s for sure. I’ll be back in time for next week’s Sunday Mailbag… but I am fresh out of questions after tomorrow. So, if anybody has any questions for me, now would be a good time to email them to me.
Aloha, and thanks for reading the blog.
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Oh darn MAUI? Why not the Big Island? Haha, well it’s pretty cheap to island hop, maybe I’ll come say hello! Have fun in the sun, it wonderful and clear the past few days here, so Maui should be paradiso. Don’t get burned!
Have a wonderful vacation Tom! Wendy and I are off to Tokyo in a couple of weeks and are looking forward to some time on our own as well. Make sure you get some cool photographs of the sunsets on the beach and make us all really jealous!