Richmond Illustration Inc.
Off to Kenosha
November 1st, 2013 | Posted in General
…to speak at the Kenosha Festival of Cartooning’s “Mini-Fest” tomorrow. Here’s a link to a news story about the Festival. Here’s the list of events/activities going on there:
10:30 a.m. – noon:
- Drawing and caricature class I’ll be conducting for kids ages 13-18 at the Kenosha Public Museum, 5500 First Ave. Cost is $20. Anyone interested in participating can register directly with the museum.
12:30 – 2 p.m.:
- My main presentation. I will talk about my career as a freelance illustrator with publications, including MAD Magazine and Marvel Comics at the Kenosha Public Museum, 5500 First Ave., in Daimler Chrysler Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public.
2:30 – 4 p.m.:
- My class for aspiring professionals, addressing the art of caricature and business practices for freelance artists at Artworks Gallery, 5002 Sixth Ave. Cost is $50 ($75 to include a signed copy of my book, “The MAD Art of Caricature”). Register at Class size limited to 18 participants.
4:15 – 6 p.m.:
- Portfolio review with myself or John Hambrock, a 15-minute one-on-one opportunity for aspiring comic artists and illustrators to present their work and receive feedback, at Artworks Gallery, 5002 Sixth Ave. Cost is $30. Register at Limited to six sessions per artist.
6:30 – 9 p.m.:
- Fundraiser for Festival 2014 – Meet and Greet Reception with myself, John Hambrock and any other local cartoonists who are attending the festival. If we are lucky the artists will sketch for attendees., Villa D’ Carlo Restaurant¬¨‚Ć5140 6th Avenue Kenosha. Cost: $20 ¬¨‚Ćtickets can purchased in advance through this website¬¨‚Ćor with cash at the door. Pizza and soda provided
All money raised goes to fund future Cartooning Festivals in Kenosha.
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A busy agenda…looking forward to a report with pics!