Off on Another NCS/USO Tour
It’s been a long time since I was on one of these trips (the last one was to Kandahar, Afghanistan), but I am currently off with a group of National Cartoonist Society cartoonists to an undisclosed location in southwest Asia to draw for the troops deployed “down range” in the middle east. I’d tell you specifics but they are above your pay grade. This group includes Jeff Bacon (Broadside), Dave Coverly (Speed Bump), Jeff Keane (The Family Circus), Rick Kirkman (Baby Blues), Sam Viviano (MAD Magazine) and myself.
No stops in Landstuhl, Germany this time to draw at the Regional Medical Center or the Ramstein AFB… we are heading on to a new area of the war zone that the USO cartoonists tours have not yet seen. It should be an interesting adventure. I will blog all about it after we return… I’d tell you more but then I’d have to kill you…
Actually the USO and the US Dept. of Defense don’t want us disclosing our destinations online until we are safely back home.
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thank you for going
good luck
uso was good to me when i was in service
Interestingly enough, I came across some of your drawings from 2010 inside a bunker at Kandahar yesterday. Thanks for coming out to visit us guys in the sand!
Wishing you guys all the best!