Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Drawing Board- 11/10/15
November 10th, 2015 | Posted in On the Drawing Board
Thanks to sudden death in the family that took up a lot of my time in October I just spent the last two weeks digging myself out from under a pile of several freelance jobs, so actually the drawing board is a bit light at the moment. Here’s what I finished up since the beginning of the month:
- Two (count ’em… TWO) jobs for the upcoming MAD #537, both different from my usual work.
- A Marlin Co. illustration (pictured above)
- A couple of smaller projects that had been put off for way too long
What I’m working on now:
- Another Marlin illustration
- “Z-People” comic book
- The rest of my new Doctor Who print
- A couple of other smaller projects (I hope)
Come to think of it… I’d better get back to work!
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Just curious . . .Do you use Manga for your work. . .and if not. . what? I love your work. I’ve purchased two of you books and gave one away as a gift.
Thanks. . .Ray Shipman
I assume you mean the software “Manga Studio”? I have a copy of that but have never really used it. I basically just use PhotoShop.