On the Drawing Board
I’m finally getting some projects out the door here at the end of the week. Here’s a couple finals of some little jobs:
Workplace poster:

I don’t think this one will be winning any awards or anything, but it gets the message across. I changed the figure that was bothering me and adjusted the sizes of some of the heads. I left the main guy with the wheelbarrow bigger than the others as a kind of exaggeration for humorous effect… sometimes cheating the perspective or the relative sizes of objects and people creates better focus on the important aspects of an image. This is my usual ink on bristol board and PhotoShop color job.
Private Commission:

If they all went like this I’d do them more often. He loved the sketch and I went right to final with no changes at all. This kind of thing can so easily degenerate into a “are my ears really that big?” nightmare. For any of you caricature artists out there who have lived though that and wonder if it happens only to them, know that the great Mort Drucker refuses to do personal commissions because he also has had that problem. Unbelievable. This is a simple ink and wash. No digital work at all.
Uh Oh, emergency MAD job:
Just got a call to do a quick single image for this year’s MAD 20 (The 20 Dumbest Things of the Year). The subject of my “20” piece is everybody’s favorite nuclear armed, hobbit-like dictator nutcase, North Korea’s Kim Jong. I don’t want to give away the gag, so this is just my initial study:

This will be a quick but interesting job, as they want me to paint it rather than do an ink and color job. I rarely get a piece in the “20”, because they prefer the super-rendered style of art to the more cartoon-like work I usually do. So here is a chance to stretch my legs a bit and do something different. The deadline is Monday. Ouch. I’ll post a cropped final on Tuesday after I come out of my coma.
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