On the Drawing Board- 12/23/08
Two big jobs wrapped up yesterday, which leaves a new project for Penthouse (no naughty stuff, just funny) and more of the column header caricatures for The Independent on the board right now.
I can’t share the Fade In job until publication, but as always the client for the workplace poster jobs doesn’t mind my posting the images I do for them upon completion. So here is the latest of those posters:
Initial Pencil
The job was to do an image of a harried looking nurse thinking about a relaxing getaway on a beach, being served hand and foot. The first pencil rough above needed some changed after art direction. They wanted the nurse to look less harried and more dreamy thinking of her getaway, and some changes to the beach scene…
Pencil round two
Final art. Click for a closer look…
Final art above done in my line and color style. In this particular case I did the background, “dream cloud” and nurse/foreground on separate layers for online animation purposes by the client.
The Penthouse job will be fun… it involves St. Patrick’s Day. I am quite sure I won’t be able to share that here until publication but it will serve as a good post for March.
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Awesome work as usual!
Top notch piece . . . your hair technique on this nurse is outstanding, especially the closer look. Any tips or tricks you can share down the line on hair would be really appreciated !!
John K.
Is it me or does it look like she has 2 right feet?