On the Drawing Board
Extremely busy on several jobs right now, and two new ones on top of that.
After wrapping up pencils on a MAD job and another project today, I got a chance to do the pencils on that Sherlock Holmes audiobook project. The client wants me to create a caricature-like image of Holmes without doing an actual caricature of any of the actors who have portrayed him. Here’s what I came up with:
Doing something like that isn’t as complicated as it might sound. After all, the image of Sherlock Holmes is well defined in pop culture’s visual lexicon. All I need do is design a caricature with the attributes assigned to Holmes: Thin and angular, with a “masterful” brow, intellectual, egotistical, proper yet casual with an air of superiority and a knowing, “somewhat bored with the predictability of it all” expression.
With some tweaking this will be used as the image for downloading a new, chronological collection of the complete Sir Arthur Conan Doyle “canon” of Holmes stories from Audible.com.
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Fantastic Tom, looks Great!