On the Drawing Board
Lots o’stuff on the board at the moment. As usual not much of it that I can show images of, but I did finish this poster job last night. I’m posting it to show how sometimes you get so focused on the details you don’t step back and think about the big picture until you literally step back and look at the big picture:
Pencil sketch, approved by client
Final color illustration….
…hmmmm….. I’m thinking the placement combined with the coloring of the stuffing coming off that falling platter might be unfortunate… yep. Better fix that.
That’s better, a poo-free illustration.
Whew. Disaster averted. You have to love digital artwork. If that was a real watercolor it would have taken a lot more effort to correct.
Now I’ve got an emergency MAD four pager to do with a super short deadline. As I am leaving early today for NYC, looks like I’ll be doing some drawing on the road. AGAIN.
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That’s hillarious!
I’m not very observant I guess. I didn’t think anything about it at first! Good save!