Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Drawing Board- 3/31/15
March 31st, 2015 | Posted in On the Drawing Board
Here’s what’s on the drawing board right now:
- Z-People Comic– Still hammering away at this 45 page comic for SitComics
- Trading card Illustration- for a corporate client as part of an ongoing educational campaign
- Half page ad illustration- This is a sort of personal project
- Big banner ad- for a super-secret public cartoonist’s event TBA!!
- Workplace poster– My usual monthly assignment
This is the worst time of year for me. I am up to my eyeballs in preparations for the NCS Reubens Weekend and finalizing the awards, opening up my theme park operations, and my usual workload. Ugh.
Speaking of workplace posters, above is the final art for the latest of these… rough sketch below.
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That was your “rough” sketch?? Sheesh..!