On the Drawing Board
It absolutely never fails that if I take any kind of vacation whatsoever I will get at least two jobs the day I leave or find them waiting for me when I get back home. As it happens I have several things from last week to finish up today, plus these two new jobs and one very old job:
MAD- Quick little two pager, no caricatures or likenesses which is odd for me. I like these different projects, though… nice break from all that caricaturing. As always, I can’t share more details but will post sneak peeks upon publication.
Magazine Cover Job- I don’t get these too often either… the cartoony nature of my work precludes being used very often for covers, but I’ll be doing another one for Contingencies Magazine like this one done some years back:
Again, an atypical project for me but those are always challenging and fun to do. I’ll be attempting a more painted look again, like in the Kerry/Bush cover but I’m hoping to be a little more successful in avoiding any “lines” at all. We’ll see how that turns out and of course I’ll post the final artwork and possibly some step by steps when it’s appropriate to do so.
Nader Museum Job- Hard to believe but I just finally got the okay to finish this job I had started over a year ago. It’s been in limbo for a long time. Here’s one of the pages pre-revisions-
Gotta get to work…
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