On the Drawing Board- 9/11/15
The old drawing board is crazy right now, mainly because I am furiously trying to finish the “Z-People” comic book that is now ridiculously overdue. Lesson learned: do not accept a large job with the understanding you will “work on it in between jobs”. There is no “in between jobs”… ever. I’ve had to start turning down other work to get this thing finished, and should have started doing that months ago. However there are some longtime clients I can’t turn away, since I need them to be there after this comic is done. So, here’s what I have going right now:
- Z People Comic– Red alert, def-con 4, dogs and cats living together…
- MAD job– Actually just finished this short three pager… first time in a long time I will not have done a movie or TV parody in an issue. It will be in issue #536.
- Newspaper Comic Job– I was asked by cartooonist Jeff Knurek to be a guest artist for a day on his syndicated puzzle comic “Daily Jumble”. I just got the concept/rough approved and am going to final. It will appear in newspapers between Nov 16th-20th, amid a week long run of other “Guest Jumblers”.
- Marlin Co. workplace poster– My usual monthly assignment.
Speaking of the workplace posters, I haven’t shared any of those in a while. Here are some finals and pencil roughs from the last several months (plus the one at the top of this post):
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