Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #4!
October 8th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In subscribers mailboxes for a week or so already, on newsstands everywhere tomorrow and in comic book shops and digital this week!
- Cover (Gary Pullin)
- ToC Art (Ron English)
- Rejected Monster Cereals (Jeff Kruse, Dean Macadam)
- Sad New Ways to Feel Good About Yourself (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Sven, Golly, It’s… Svengoolie (Ian Boothby, Tom Richmond)
- A Slasher Movie Scene We’d Like to See (David DeGrand)
- Melania Trump Paper Doll (Sina Grace)
- Cthasper the Friendly Elder God (Peter-John Byrnes, Nick “The Hat” Gucker)
- Stink Lines Through Art History (Maria Bamford, Scott Marvel Cassidy)
- The Ghastlygun Tinies (Matt Cohen, Marc Palm)
- A MAD Look at Dia de los Muertos (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Tom Luth)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- MAD’s Tom Bunk Goes Trick or Treating (Tom Bunk)
- The Wisenheim Museum (Gris Grimly)
- The Potrzebie of Fear
- Cover (John Lucas, Colors: Nathan Kane)
- The Chancers (Luke McGarry)
- Spaghetti & Meatball (George A. Escobar & Bob Lizarraga, Bob Lizarraga)
- Lukey & Mukey (Bob Fingerman)
- Differences Between the Original Halloween & Halloween 2018 (Brian Posehn, Gideon Kendall)
- Let’s Have Fun with What You Hate About Thanksgiving (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Shorts & Briefs
- Panel Cartoon (Johnny Sampson)
- Panel Cartoon (Kit Lively, Scott Nichol)
- A Guide to Feminist Halloween Costumes (Allison Stevenson, By A Person)
- How to Defeat a Werewolf in 2018 (Brokton McKinney, Paul Wee)
- Humor While you Wait- Left Overs (Kyle Bridgett)
- Panel Cartoon (Peter Kuper)
- Panel Cartoon (P.C. Vey)
- If Trump Had Given the Gettysburg Address (Steve McGarry)
- Make Your Own Halloween Costumes… Cheap! (Rob Kutner, Travis Millard)
- Panel Cartoons (Jason Chatfield)
- INCOMING! (Reader Letters answered by intern Alex Taffer)
- The MADifesto (Chris Stephens, Mike Loew)
- Real Dumb (Mike Holmes, submitted by Grace Staley)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragonés)
- Back Cover- Don’t Die This Halloween (Dick DeBartolo, Ed Steckley)
My contribution this issue is the art for a 6 page parody (of sorts) of the Svengoolie show written by Ian Boothby, complete with classic horror movies and unwelcome TV rerun cameos. I posted a sneak peek at that last week, along with a bit of an explanation as to why this kind of feature is different from a regular parody but not a new thing.
So…. What are you waiting for??? Go out and buy a copy, you schmuck!
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