Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #5!
December 11th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In subscriber mailboxes already, digital format and comic books shops tomorrow, and on news stands everywhere today!
- Cover– Michael Koelsch
- A Listless Story (Desmond Devlin, Tom Richmond)
- A MAD Look at Christmas (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Tom Luth)
- The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2018
- Hollywood Harassers (Mary Trainor, Terry Wolfinger)
- White House Corruption (Tammy Golden, Paul Wee)
- Detention Centers Put Children in Cages (Casey Boyd, Ed Steckley)
- Guilty of Being Black (Casey Boyd, Timothy Shamey)
- Michelle Wolf Hosts Correspondent’s Dinner (Tammy Golden, Scott Bricher)
- Marco Rubio Debates Parkland Students (Matt Cohen, Darío Brizuela)
- A Nuclear Screw Up (Desmond Devlin, Mark Fredrickson)
- Flotus Visits Captured Kids on the Border (R. Wilcox Deckert)
- Roseanne Shifts Blame for Racist Rant (Dick DeBartolo, Scott Anderson)
- Poddy-Mouthed Kids (Brockton McKinney, Sarah Chalek)
- Trump Panders to Putin at Helsinki Meeting (Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Paul Shipper)
- Thai Cave Save (R. Wilcox Deckert, Colors: Nathan Kane)
- Protesters Burning Nike Products (Casey Boyd, Gideon Kendall)
- Paul Manafort Flips (Desmond Devlin, Dean Macadam)
- Doritos Pitches Chips for Ladies (Allie Goertz, Mike Loew)
- Toys “R” Us Comes Back from the Dead (Dan Telfer, Chris Wahl)
- Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Hearings (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Trump’s Space Force (Brockton McKinney, Sam Sisco)
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Kit Lively, Mike Leow)
- The MAD 20 Fold-in (Al Jaffee)
- Potrzebie Comics (Cover: Kerry Callen)
- The 27 Club (Luke McGarry)
- Lukey & Mukey (Bob Fingerman)
- Spaghetti & Meatball (W: George A. Escobar & Bob Lizarraga, A: Bob Lizarraga)
- The Chancers (Luke McGarry)
- Shorts & Briefs (Peter Kuper, Kit Lively & Rick Tulka, Kenny Keil, Mike Armstrong & Sarah Chalek, Kit Lively & Lance Hansen, Johnny Sampson)
- The MADifesto (John Ungaro, Mike Loew)
- Real, Dumb (Mike Holmes, story submitted by Paula Sevenbergen
My piece in this issue is the art on a 6 page parody of the classic holiday film “A Christmas Story”, written by Desmond Devlin. I’ll post another sneak peek of that Thursday.
So what are you waiting for, clod? Go out and buy a furshlugginer copy, already!
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