Richmond Illustration Inc.
On the Stands: MAD #528
June 16th, 2014 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere Tuesday:
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- The Fundalini Pages (Matt Lassen, Ward Sutton, Tim Hamilton, Jeff Kruse, Rick Tulka, P.C. Vey, Dick DeBartolo, John Caldwell, Kenny Keil, Anton Emdin, David DeGrand, Tom Bunk, Rich Powell, Kevin Pope, Mark Fredrickson, Bob Eckstein, Stan Sinberg, John Kerschbaum)
- Two Defectives (A MAD TV Satire) (Arnie Kogen, Tom Richmond)
- How Kimye Stacks Up Against Other Famous Married Couples (Uncredited)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvell)
- Appy (Mike Morse, Sam Sisco)
- MOtowNOPOLY (Stan Sinberg, Mike Loew)
- Monster Marriage Poster (Mark Fredrickson)
- A MAD Look at Captain America (Sergio Aragon?©s, Colorist: Jim Campbell)
- MAD’s Celebrity Acronyms (Matt Lassen, Rick Tulka)
- The MAD Vault- (From MAD #409, Sept. 2001: John Caldwell)
- The Strip Club (Eugen Erhan & Tudor Muscalu, Dakota McFadzean, Phil McAndrew, Josh Mecouch, Jason Yungbluth, Nathan Cooper, Christopher Baldwin)
- A Minor League Baseball Flyer That Tells it Like it Is (Jeff Kruse)
- Reality Show Rejection Letters (Kenny Keil)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- The Puffington Host (Matt Lassen & Scott Maiko)
- The Best of The Idiotical (various)
- 7 Easy Ways to Defeat Godzilla (Mike Morse, Hermann Mejia)
- Another Ridiculous MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragon?©s, appear throughout the issue)
I did the art on the parody of the HBO TV series “True Detective” (incorrectly listed as “A Mad Movie Satire” in the issue’s table of contents), a six pager written by Arnie Kogen. Look for a sneak peek of my art from that in tomorrow’s post.
Well . . . What are you waiting for, clod?!? Go out and buy a fershlugginer copy already!
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I don’t have to go out and BUY a fershlugginer copy, I already waste my money on two fershlugginer subscriptions!!!!!